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E-Z START® Feeder for Turkeys - Chore-Time  Find a Dealer
E-Z START® Feeder for Turkeys - Chore-Time Back to Website

E-Z START® Feeder for Turkeys

Improved for Even Better Bird Starts.

E-Z START® Feeder Options
Brood Cone, Telescoping Extension and Poult Pan
During Grow-Out
  • When the E-Z START® Feeder is rotated up into the closed position, the outlet drop stows neatly beside the tube, completely out of the way for growing birds eating from the grow-out feeding system.
  • In the shut-off position, trash (such as dust and feathers) falls through the feeder’s open tube to the litter below.
During Brood
  • When rotated down in the open position, the feeder fills chick trays, poult pans or paper with a high level of feed.
Other Features
  • An internal tab in the E-Z START® Feeder fits into an opening on Chore-Time’s newest roll-formed tube to lock the feeder in place. A version of the feeder without the tab is also available for retrofit applications.
  • Spout attachment to the tube connector includes snap points that lock the spout into the up or down position.
  • The E-Z START® Outlet Drop now consists of just two parts that snap together without tools or hardware.
  • The feeder is made of durable, polypropylene plastic construction with ultraviolet protection for long life.
    It is easy to operate, manage, clean and store.
Photos & Videos
White Papers
E-Z START® Poultry Feeder
MF2472A Rotary E-Z START® Chick Feeder Installation and Operators Instruction Manual
Jun 2018
E-Z START® Feeder Options
E-Z START® Feeder Options