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CHORE-TIME® Bird Scale for Breeders

Chore-Time’s Bird Scale provides an affordable and accurate means of knowing when your birds are ready to be harvested in order to maximize your processing efficiency. At the same time, it is a valuable diagnostic tool that can help you optimize your production operation.

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Improves timeliness and accuracy of data for more precise bird harvest scheduling

User-Defined Standards

Simplifies growth and uniformity tracking based on user-defined standards.

Reduced Labor

Birds move across the scale on their own, reducing labor requirements for weighing and sampling.

Ceiling Mount

Dependable ceiling mount contributes to greater accuracy and longer working life, and also simplifies platform height adjustment.


Scale features durable, corrosion-resistant steel construction.

Reliable Hardware Technology and Software Algorithms
Automatic System Reduces Biosecurity Risk of Manual Weighing


  • Models available are suitable for broilers up to and over 8 pounds (3.6 kg) or turkeys under 30 pounds (13.6 kg).
  • Scale kit includes two platform units and one Bird Scale Controller.
  • Use Bird Scale Control for direct collection of weight data from up to two scales, or network multiple Scale Controls through C-CENTRAL™ Software to analyze data from multiple houses.
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CHORE-TRONICS® 3 Breeder Package

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