Box and Panel Fans for Broilers
Chore-Time’s 36-inch Direct-Drive Box Fans deliver 10,980 CFM and 16.4 CFM/Watt at 0.00 static pressure.
Box fans are available in 24-, 36- and 48-inch (61-, 91- and 122-cm) diameters with metal framing in direct drive. Wood framing is available for the 24- and 36-inch (61- and 91-cm) fans. Belt drive is available for the 36-inch (91-cm) fans.
- Galvanized steel or wood box housing.
- Easy to assemble (or order preassembled).
- Belt- or direct-drive models for various electrical standards.
- Self-tensioning belt on belt-drive model maintains efficiency.
- Cast iron, greaseable bearing.

Panel fans are available without framing in 36-inch (91-cm) diameter in belt or direct drive, and in 48-inch (122-cm) diameter direct drive.