ULTRAFLO® Cage & Colony Feeding Systems for Eggs
ULTRAFLO® Feeding Systems — Because Feed Is Too Precious to Waste!
Famous for its outstanding feed savings and top conversion, Chore-Time’s reliable ULTRAFLO® Feeder helps you make the most of today’s expensive feed.
Preferred by an overwhelming majority of major egg producers, Chore-Time’s ULTRAFLO® Feeder provides reliable operation year after year to help birds perform at their peak.
Auger flightings and trough design contribute to top feed conversion by keeping birds from wasting feed.

The feeder’s speed keeps birds from high-grading, while the auger’s slow revolutions keep feed blended.

Popular with top egg producers since the 1980s, improvements in materials and manufacturing process have earned the ULTRAFLO® Feeder a generous 8-year full and 15-year pro-rated warranty. (See Chore-Time’s written warranty for full warranty details.)
- Energy-efficient system uses sturdy, long-lasting parts.
- Unique auger connector joins ends of one-piece coreless auger.
- Run feeder lines up to 520 feet (158 m) for manure belt systems and 700 feet (213 m) for scraper systems.
- Low maintenance costs.
- Even feed distribution through closed-loop system delivers uniform feed ration without risk of over-feeding the birds.
- Auger helps prevent birds from raking and wasting feed.
- Slight rotation of auger remixes all feed in the trough.
- No trough “edges” where stale or damp feed accumulates.
- Independent tests show no feed separation or high-grading of feed.
- Programmable “stimulation” cycles stir feed to stimulate birds’ appetites.
- Reduces feed usage as much as 5% while increasing production.
- 80 feet per minute (24 meters per minute) feed delivery speed.
- 1.1 pounds (500 grams) of feed trough capacity per 24-inch cage.
- 20-gauge (1.0-mm) galvanized steel trough.
- Use dependable microprocessor control to program feeder stimulation cycles to prompt birds to eat … feed up to 12 feedings and 12 stimulations per day.
- Choose proven standard trough or pullet-grow trough. Pullet-grow trough increases the feed volume directly in front of the birds.