Feed Management System for Eggs
ALL-OUT® Feed Management System
Chore-Time’s ALL-OUT® Feed Management System includes the latest technology in feed storage and handling. With added biosecurity, convenience, and efficiency features, Chore-Time’s ALL-OUT System is more than a feed bin. It is a system which produces feed savings and higher bird productivity.
40° roof allows bin to be filled completely.

HYDRO-SHIELD® Weather Guard prevents moisture from running into bin boot.

Optional ACCESS PLUS® Hopper Access Door (patented) eases interior bin cleaning chores through a ground-level, resealable door.

Optional SPRING-LOCK® Feed Bin Lid and Opener (patented) stays right side up when open; can be operated from the bin or a remote location.

Optional SHAKER-PLATE® Material Flow control (patented) helps achieve dependable flow of feed.

Optional Ladder Security Door restricts unauthorized access to the ladder.
Famous FLEX-AUGER® Feed Conveying System uses a coreless, spring-steel auger to convey feed.

Chore-Time’s Feed Screener removes foreign objects and clumps of bad feed.

- Digital feed bin scale system provides accurate inventory of stored feed using temperature-compensated load cells.
- Scale system includes LCD display, power failure protection, and computer or printer connection.