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CHORE-TIME® Sprinkler Systems for Turkeys

A University of Arkansas study showed that the amount of cooling water used by a low-pressure sprinkler averaged 67% less than that used by a conventional evaporative cooling system.

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Reasons to Use Chore-Time’s Low-Pressure Sprinkler System
  • Cools birds through direct water evaporation on and near birds AND through release of heat from under birds, since birds tend to stand as the water droplets reach them.
  • Saves water, reduces house humidity and improves litter conditions compared to other systems. Also helps reduce dust in house.
  • Extends evaporative cooling system life and reduces its maintenance since it is needed less frequently when using a sprinkling system.
CHORE-TIME® Sprinkler Features
  • House temperature determines when sprinklers activate.
  • The whole house control signals the sprinkler control when the temperature set points for the sprinkler have been reached.
    • Use any whole house control with two outputs for cooling.
  • Low-water-pressure system (20-30 psi) includes a check valve to prevent dripping when system is shut off.
  • The sprinkler drops connect to water tubing using a simple T-connector.
    • Available drop lengths include 12, 18, 24 or 30 inches in length (305, 457, 610 or 762 mm).
    • Sprinkler drops require no tools to assemble.
  • System includes a sprinkler control panel (pictured) along with an electronic sprinkler control, T-connectors and sprinkler drops.
  • Can be used in new construction or for retrofitting existing houses.
  • Available only in 1 Ph 60 Hz.
Sprinkler Layout Guidance
  • Install sprinklers 11 to 12 feet (3.4 to 3.7 meters) from walls.
  • Each sprinkler will spray a 20 to 22 foot (6.1 to 6.7 meter) diameter area at 6.5 to 7 feet (2.0 to 2.1 meters) hanging height.
  • Install a maximum of 25 sprinklers per zone in the house.
Photos & Videos
White Papers
MV2455B Sprinkler System Installation and Operators Instruction
Nov 2016

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