ADVANTI-FLOW® Drinker for Turkeys
Featuring RELIA-FLOW® Drinker Technology.
Nipple Discs and Dual Catch Cups
- Poults get off to a good start by drinking from nipple discs and from litter-saving dual catch cups.
- Birds get plenty of water, and floors stay drier.
- “Pockets” in the uniquely designed drinker disc hold water to attract poults and direct water toward birds as they drink.
- The disc also provides leverage for easier triggering during brood.
- Innovative dual catch cups have a rounded edge for bird comfort and shallow depth to help prevent build-up.

Designed for Use With Birds up to Six Weeks of Age

Large Button Nipple
Chore-Time’s large button nipple holds a big bead of water that birds easily see.
Self-Filling Mini Drinker
Self-Filling Mini Drinker with large float ball snaps over drinker saddle.
Catch Cup
Catch Cup option for High Flow and Super High Flow systems.
Photos & Videos
White Papers

Relia-Flow®, Steadi-Flow® and Advanti-Flow® Nipple Drinking Systems and Accessories

Relia-Flow®, Steadi-Flow® and Advanti-Flow® Sistemas de bebedero de boquilla y accesorios

RELIA-FLOW®, STEADI-FLOW® y ADVANTI-FLOW® Sistemas de bebedero de boquilla y accesorios

RELIA-FLOW®, STEADI-FLOW® en ADVANTI-FLOW® nippeldrinkwatersystemen en -accessoires

RELIA-FLOW®, STEADI-FLOW® и ADVANTI-FLOW® Системы ниппельного поения и принадлежности

MW2392J STEADI-FLOW® RELIA-FLOW® and ADVANTI-FLOW® Nipple Drinking System
Oct 2021

MW931B Water Consumption Card

ADVANTI-FLOW® Poult Drinker Specifications

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